more... at Islam-101's Page on Terrorism
It is clearly stated in the Holy Quran that unjust killings amount to disbelief. Allah, the One God, according to the Quran, condemns such killers to Hell Fire. These evil acts are categorically forbidden in Islam. The Holy Quran emphatically states that if any one slew a person unjustly, it would be as if he slew the whole people (Chapter 5, verse 35). Killing of any one not fighting with you is forbidden.
After giving the story of the two sons of Adam in which one killed the other, the Holy Quran says:
005.035 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
Therefore, those who hijack planes, bomb embassies, hold hostages, kill innocent civilians, vandalize Mosques, churches or synogogues or commit other such crimes are committing grave crimes.
The following is a brief but good collection to study Islam's position on terrorism.
![]() | Human Rights in Islam by the well-known Muslim scholar, Syed Maududi. |
![]() | An American Muslim scholar, Abu Aminah Bilal Phillips expresses his
views on terrorism in an interview. In his view, for example, the sort of terrorism recently practiced against civilian tourists and Copts in Egypt by terrorists and many of the actions of the Iraqi "tyrant" Saddam Hussein are abhorrent to Islam. He said violence between military forces is one thing but there is nothing in Muslim teachings that warrants violence that targets civilians. Muslims in western countries can be criticized for not speaking out more clearly on this, he said. "Silence is consent", he said, using a phrase he may have picked up during his pre-Muslim days as a political activist. |
![]() | From an excerpt at on terrorism: |
![]() | The world appears to be filled with injustices committed by individuals, all sorts of groups, and so many governments of countries like the USA, Russia, India, Israel, Iraq and Algeria. Indiscriminate killings and tortures in Chechnya, Kosova, Bosnia, Kashmir, Israel and Iraq are just a few examples. Muslims should strive to rid the world from the injustices by practicing Islam, living an exemplary life of obedience to Allah T'ala and working in unity with other Muslims to bring about a total change in the world. Only Islam can bring justice and peace to the world. |
The is a site where a list of articles and quotations can be found on injustices committed by various countries, especally against Muslims. Check out the page