Islam 101 Online Course

Introducing Islam - Test 1


This test is based on Introducing Islam, Sections I - V.This is a multiple choice test. Please select the best possible answer for each question.To answer, simply click on the radio button to the left of the choice. Once done, submitthe test for a grade. It is suggested that you read the material before taking the test.

1. Islam
is a religion
is a complete way of life
is to live in peace with the Creator, one's self, with other people and with the environment.
all of the above
none of the above

To be a Muslim, you have to be an Arab.
Every Arab is a Muslim.
Any one with any nationality or ethnicity can become a Muslim by accepting Islam.

3. The name of the Holy Book of Muslims is

Bible Torah Quran Gospel

Allah in Arabic is the same as God in English.
Muslims worship two gods, namely Allah and God.
None of the above.

Prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Prophet Ishmael, the first son of Prophet Abraham.
Prophet Muhammad received divine revelations (the Quran) from Allah through the angel Gabriel (Jibrael in Arabic).
Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE in Makkah, located in present-day Saudi Arabia.
Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet of God.
All of the above

6. The first source of knowledge in Islam is
The Quran
The Hadith or Sunnah
The Seerah
Prophet Muhammad

7. The second source of knowledge in Islam is
The Quran
The Hadith or Sunnah
The Seerah
Prophet Muhammad

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